There are many considerations to factor in when raising children. Ultimately, you as the parent, are the best person to make decisions for your children. Rightly so, as you have the deepest connection to them, through your heart. All life comes from life. As the biological parents, your role is vital in creating, nurturing and guiding your children. As stated in the previous blog, in the past, western society focused mostly on the physical aspects providing clothing, food and shelter while the emotional, mental and spiritual components to our humanness may have been overlooked or not taken into consideration.

As children mature toward adulthood, there are teachings surrounding human sexuality that emerge. Every teen is different so it will vary when the teenager is emotionally and mentally mature enough to understand the information. Yet in the current education system, it appears that the sexual component of our humanity is what the child needs to learn first, which is totally inaccurate information and harmful for the child.

It is absurd to think that adults buy into the agenda of children leading with their sexuality is a prime example of incorrect information being offered to parents and children, not to mention it is illegal to sexualize children. As budding humans, teens should be developing or aspiring to be the best version of themselves. Children spend many hours at school. The sexualization of children in schools and libraries needs to stop or criminal charges against the teachers and librarians laid. Sexualized information needs to be removed from children’s reach.

When discussing the rearing of children, there is a tendency for some professionals to think they are more knowledgeable than the parent. This theory is erroneous and concerning for many parents and caregivers. This can make some parents cautious about using their own judgement, for fear they make a mistake that will cause their child harm. Educating yourself about healthy boundary setting, expressing yourself in a mature manner and being positive role models, as parents, is an excellent practice for your children to role model after as they grow up. Children learn from what they see around them so make good choices.

 Doubting oneself often results in turning to so called ‘experts’ for advice on how to raise their own children. How did society get so blown off course that parents trust others over their own instinct on how to parent their children? We not only assume our family and friends care about the safety of children, we do the same for doctors, childcare providers, educators and school officials, youth-program workers, and members of religious organizations who have children entrusted to their care.

The current education, medical and mental health systems all play a vital role in children’s lives. If any aspect of these institutions promotes the opposite of good, this can result in parents leaving themselves open to decisions and outcomes that they may not have chosen. It is always best practice to look inward for guidance instead.

What criteria and measures are taken to ensure professionals understand the boundaries and parameters when it comes to the wellbeing of children in their care?

As more information surfaces that children can experience abuse while in the care of others, we have an opportunity to re-establish the parent as the primary caregiver and decision maker for their children.

Surprisingly, there is not a lot of published research available to educate the public on what constitutes abuse and how people respond to it. This needs to be brought to the light to be seen for what it is and discussed openly. Information is power. As more information comes to light about how nefarious people operate around children, parents can better equip themselves to protect their children.

Also surprising, is the fact that many of the people aware of abuse don’t know how to respond to the situation if they have concerns. Often parents are told to report it to authorities, who themselves do not have a great track record of protecting children from abuse. Unfortunately, too frequently, the people who know the abusers will defend the abusers so they themselves don’t look bad.

Busy work schedules and demands on our time can easily distract parent’s attention away from what is lurking around children. When we outsource our responsibilities as parents/caregivers to strangers, parents give their power and their children’s wellbeing away to another. Who ascertains the intention of people who are to supervise children.  Rarely is the integrity, morality, life view or ethics of professionals ever questioned, and that needs to change.

Evil is the opposite or absence of good.  Often it is a feeling in the pit of our stomach that tells us if something doesn’t feel right, listen to that feeling. It is time to get back into trusting our own intuition regarding children. It has been proven time and time again that some people with professional designations will prostitute themselves out for money regardless of their field of expertise. We are taught to give experts the benefit of the doubt, but what do you know about their ethics and moral foundation? For this reason alone, it is a good idea to question everything and ask yourself if what you are being told feels right to you. It has been proven that some professionals, will even justify what they are doing is right when it obviously harms another. Regardless if they do so to line their pockets, or to reduce their feelings of guilt because they know what they are doing is wrong, it is their responsibility to stand up when they see abuse. Take charge because after all, it will be you and your child who bear any negative consequences if exposed to professionals who operate without a solid ethical framework.

Evil operates on a spectrum. For evil to flourish, it needs enablers, ignorance and often greed to hide behind in order to accomplish its goals. What better way to accomplish this goal than infiltrate and obfuscate the very industries tasked with protecting children?

To understand the premise behind evil, we have to understand its mandate. The purpose of evil is to steer humans away from their humanity, to turn themselves upon each other, to destroy, diminish, or demoralize themselves and each other. Evil does that by breaking the heart of humanity, by turning us against our own sense of innate morality or steering us away from our own intuition. This can be accomplished various ways; by duping us into diminishing ourselves or our children by encouraging them to go along with another’s agenda, even if it means degrading ourselves, or by suggesting depravity is the new normal. Evil also encourages humanity to harm one another through apathy (lack of heart connectedness) with the ‘just following orders’ mentality. Understanding the mandate of evil helps to arm parents with the knowledge that not all people have good intentions toward children. You are your best indicator for what you should do to protect your children.

Make 2023 the year to stand in your magnificence. Transform and evolve to become the best parent and the best version of yourself. What are you waiting for?

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